Money Saving Tips for College Students

Cost of education student loan and financial aidYoung adults around the world are all gearing up or already back to school! If you’re a student or sending your students off to college, it’s important to emphasize healthy spending habits to ensure a more stable financial future after they graduate. College can easily put students in a financial hole post-graduation, but developing smart spending habits early in college can help your student or yourself be smarter with money. Here are 5 tips for saving money in college:

  1. Make “Used” a big part of your vocabulary. Used books cost less than brand new books, and in the long run will save you a fortune. Don’t forget to check in with fellow classmates to see if they may have taken the class previously and might be able to loan you the book.
  2. Even if you have a car on campus, consider using public transportation to save a load of money on gas and car maintenance. Many colleges offer free or discounted travel accommodations.
  3. Set up a student checking account. Banks often offer a free checking and savings account to students that allow you to avoid fees on withdrawals and often have no minimum amount allowed in the account. If the bank also offers online banking, use it!
  4. We know how busy it gets being in college, but if you have free time, get a job. Waiting tables or even delivering goods can bring you in some money that you can save for when you’re finished with school. Between a meal plan, dorm room, and public transportation, you can easily save money without worrying about many expenses.
  5. Use your free time wisely! Instead of going out on the town, considering joining a club or filling up your free time with activities that don’t require additional money out of your pocket.

When it comes to saving money and being more financially stable, Michael J. Yuda, a CPA in Hawaii cares! At Michael J. Yuda, CPA, LLC, we take pride in helping you reach financial health.