Tag: accounting firms in Hawaii

No Accountant Jokes, Please: How to Speak and Ask Questions to your CPA

financial discussionKnowing your CPA and their work habits can be crucial when you begin working with them. Your company relies on the CPA to stay in touch and create a comfortable working relationship. Here are a few questions to be sure and ask your CPA.

  • How Often Will We Be in Communication? – Asking this first important question gives you a realistic idea of when you can expect to hear from your CPA. Also, consider following up with an additional question: What is the best way to contact you? This question is also important to know that you are reaching out in a way that will be most convenient and time efficient for both parties.
  • How Will You Benefit My Business? – Asking this next question is useful in seeing what the accountant plans to bring to the table. Keep in mind that there are plenty of CPAs out there, and the best ones will be looking out for your business, as well as their own.
  • Do you have other clients that have a business similar to mine? – This question is useful in understanding competencies. If you don’t have accurate references for your new CPA, consider asking this question. It will give you a better idea of how they will perform for you in the future.

Are you looking for accounting firms in Hawaii? Check out Yuda.com for more information and to schedule an appointment to ask some of these important questions!