Stay Ahead of Student Loan Debt

CPA in HawaiiSchool is in session, and excited high school graduates are preparing for a rewarding educational experience as college students. Once college is over, the dreaded student loan bill begins! Whether you’ve just graduated, are going into college, or have already started paying your student loan debt, these tips will help you keep your student loan debt under control. With finding a job being extremely difficult, you might feel as if you’re suffocating under a mountain of debt.  Follow these tips to help keep your debt under control:

  • Be knowledgeable about your loan! It’s extremely important to keep track of your lenders, balances, and repayment statuses for each student loan.
  • Understand the grace periods attached to your student loans. A grace period is essentially how long you can wait until repayment begins after college. The grace period can vary depending on your lender, so it’s important to find out this information.
  • Keep in touch with your lender! If you’ve changed phone numbers, addresses, or e-mail addresses, notify your lender immediately. This ensures proper billing documents and the similar records are always at your disposal.
  • Pick a repayment plan that works for you! A lot of loans come with a standard 10 year repayment plan, but not everyone can afford this. You can extend your repayment plan for lower monthly payments, but remember that interest will build the longer it takes you to pay.
  • Don’t panic! The best thing to do is to figure out how to pay your loans in a timely manner! If you’re struggling with finances, consider seeking advice from a CPA.
  • Pay off your most expensive loan first. These loans have the highest interest rates.

The best way to stay ahead of stressful student debt is to start repaying as soon as you can. If you can afford to pay the interest of your loans while in school, you’ll get an excellent head start on what can be the most expensive monthly bill of your life.  If you’re feeling burdened by your finances, consider seeking out the help of the best CPA in Hawaii; choose Michael J. Yuda CPA, LLC.

More Hawaii Fun Facts

Hawaii is a fascinating state with an interesting history, and wide array of colorful people and culture. Being a CPA in Hawaii is a joy every day, and learning the rich history of this beautiful island is an absolute pleasure. Every now and then, we like to have a little fun over at! The following are a few interesting facts about Hawaii:

Fun facts about hawaii

  • The Hawaiian Islands were originally settled by Polynesian immigrants, but was unknown to the Europeans until James Cook landed here in 1778.
  • Hawaii officially became known as the “Aloha State” in 1959.
  • Hawaii is home to the only royal residence in the United States, the Iolani Palace.
  • Hawaii is home to the largest number of endangered species in the USA.
  • The Kilauea Volcano, located on the Big Island of Hawaii, is one of the largest and most active volcanos on Earth.
  • The Big Island is home to one of the world’s biggest telescopes, and has more observatories in one location than anywhere else in the world.
  • Hawaii is the only state that grows and harvests coffee!
  • Hawaii is the only U.S. state whose land area is increasing (from volcanic eruptions.)

The ABCs of Early Tax Preparation

The ABCs of tax preparation

Even though tax season has come and gone, April 15th is always looming in the future. There are steps you can take to relieve the stress of this upcoming tax day by following the ABC’s of tax preparation.

A. ASK QUESTIONS! Seek out a CPA, and prepare questions to be answered. Seeking out the help of a professional CPA can help you avoid errors in your tax returns. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you’d like, and always try to seek out a CPA that is qualified. Michael J. Yuda CPA, LLC previously worked for the IRS and has substantial and expert experience in handling tax examinations.

B. BRING ALL DOCUMENTS: Be sure to keep all important tax documents and files together when seeking out tax help. Bring every item you suspect might be necessary for the most accurate completion of your tax return. Important documents include:

  • Previous tax returns
  • All tax forms
  • Records of income and expenses

C. COMPLETE YOUR TAX RETURN EARLY! Filing early means your refund will come sooner! Even if you might owe money, filing early is never a bad idea and payment can be delayed until April 15th.

Even better, when you decide to get your taxes out of the way earlier, your tax professional may be able to devote more time to your return, because you’ll be avoiding the annual procrastinators scrambling to get everything done in time! When you’re ready to get the ball rolling on your taxes, choose the best CPA in Hawaii, choose Michael J. Yuda CPA, LLC!

Why Choose A QuickBooks ProAdvisor?

Are you looking for someone to handle bookkeeping for your small business? If the answer is yes, it’s best to choose a bookkeeper that is a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor. A Certified ProAdvisor knows the ins and outs of the powerful and useful software, and can help keep your books in order, which translates to a more financially stable business. Why should you choose a QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor?

QuickBooks ProAdvisor

  • In most cases, Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors are trained CPAs, accountants and other professionals who have spent years studying and learning how to handle small business finances.
  • Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors have completed a comprehensive and thorough QuickBooks training course and exam in order to be certified.
  • They can help get you started on the right foot with aiding in set-up, proper training and even troubleshooting.
  • Certified ProAdvisors can help provide the best guidance to help you have the highest satisfaction from using QuickBooks.
  • A Certified  ProAdvisor knows how to get the most out of the software.

If you’re looking to get the most out of QuickBooks for your small business bookkeeping, consider contacting Michael J. Yuda, CPA LLC, in Honolulu, Hawaii. There’s no better QuickBooks ProAdvisor in Hawaii, than Michael J. Yuda to help learn the ins and outs of QuickBooks. With personalized service and attention to your unique business, Michael J. Yuda can help provide only the best and most experienced QuickBooks bookkeeping services! Contact us today!

Climb Out of Debt

Poor financial decisions can add up and wreak havoc on your life. Piling debt can be crushing to your emotional well being, and could get you in a lot of financial trouble. If you’ve found yourself in debt, it probably feels as if you’ll never be able to rid yourself of this burden, but there are plenty of ways you can help your situation and even become debt-free:

Climb out of debt

  • Make cutbacks: Nobody loves the idea of making cut backs, but cutting money from certain aspects of your life can help you take care of debt a little more. Working on a budget when money gets tight may sound like a daunting and awful task, but it might also have you realize where your money is going, and potentially improve your financial health for the long term.
  • Seek help: If you’ve found yourself in a tough spot financially, perhaps seeking out a CPA could help teach you fiscal responsibility and get your finances in order. A CPA may not actually get you out of debt, but can help set you down the path to a more sound financial life, and help you know how to handle your money so you can stay out of similar situations. Consider seeking out help before making any drastic decisions, such as claiming bankruptcy. There are many professionals out there who can help give you advice, before contacting lenders.
  • Prioritize Your Debt: Study the consequences of missing certain payments. It’s not the best choice to only pay the largest debt with the biggest interest rate first. Read over any lending agreements and statements, to get a picture of which debts should be a top priority, and which can wait.
  • Avoid Pay Day Loans: Burying yourself in more debt in order to pay off existing debt is a recipe for financial destruction. Stay away from pay day loans, loan sharks, and any situation which makes you feel like you’re solving one problem and creating another.

If you’re looking for a CPA in Hawaii, consider contacting Michael J. Yuda CPA, LLC! Your path to financial stability begins with proper assessment and the best guidance from the very best CPA in Hawaii.



A Few Hawaiian Expressions

CPA in Hawaii

Being a CPA in Hawaii is a wonderful thing! The Hawaiian Islands are truly paradise and rich with culture and beauty! Whether hoping to visit Hawaii or learn something new to impress your friends, the following are some common Hawaiian phrases and expressions:

  • Mahalo: Mahalo is a common expression for thanks and gratitude!
  • Aloha: The most common and well known expression for both hello and goodbye. Alo means to share in the present moment and Oha translates to joy, making Aloha really mean “joyfully sharing life”.
  • E Komo Mai: Welcome! Consider this phrase the Hawaiian equivalent of Mi casa su casa!
  • Pomaika’i:  The Hawaiian way to say good luck!
  • A Hui Hou Kakou: The Hawaiian way to say until we meet again.
  • Pahea Oe: How are you?
  • Mahalo A Nui Loa: Hawaiian for thank you very much.
  • Wikiwiki: The Hawaiian way to say make it snappy or be quick!
  • Aloha Ay Ua ‘Oe: Hawaiian for I love you.
  • Makai: This word is the Hawaiian word for ocean.
  • Ma Li Hini: The Hawaiian word for visitor!

The language of Hawaii is often as colorful as the scenery and people! Learning a few phrases can be a fun experience and may even help you if you plan to visit the islands.


Reasons to Save Money!

You’ve probably heard it time and time again, but saving money could be one of the most important things you can do in your life. There are a variety of great reasons as to why saving money is a great long term decision. You may or may not have enough money to pay for everything you need now, but taking the initiative to save money is never a bad idea. Here are a few great reasons to start saving now!


CPA in Hawaii

  • Emergency: It’s a great idea to set a fund aside to cover unexpected expenses that may arise. Surprise expenses like car repairs, sudden job loss, and medical emergencies are things that can happen, and having an emergency surplus of cash handy is a smart way to ensure you’ll be able to handle the hardships.
  • Retirement: The sooner you begin saving money for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future. Starting a retirement fund early is a great way to build financial stability in your older years. It’s a wise decision to contribute up to what your employer matches, and then gradually contribute more of your gross income.
  • Buying a House: Saving money to make a down payment on a house could be one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. If you’re able to save enough to pay the down payment up front, you can cut out the stress of loans and avoid high interest rates.
  • Education: Whether hoping to obtain a master’s or doctorate degree, or send your children to college, saving now is a great way to guarantee you don’t lose your shirt with student loans and high tuition prices.

There are many different reasons to save money! If you’re unsure on how to handle your finances, consider seeking out a CPA! If you’re looking for a CPA in Hawaii, don’t hesitate to contact Michael J. Yuda today!

CPA: The Nucleus of the Business World

Would you believe that being a CPA might be one of the most important jobs today? It’s no secret that the world is always getting more and more complicated, and financial concerns are the driving backbone of these complications. Over the last few decades, CPA’s have been responsible for handling many major issues for the government and even some of the world’s biggest corporations and organizations. A CPA knows the inner workings of the companies and clients they work for, and can effectively create and analyze financial information to see where a company or client is and where they need to go. A CPA is almost like a financial James Bond, always on top of the situation and an expert in the field.  Without CPA’s, the business world would crumble.

Without CPA’s, the business world would crumble.

Many businesses rely on a CPA to help guide them with investments, budget and even decide on expanding a company or waiting until more fiscally strong. It’s undeniable that a CPA may be one of the most important components of any business. Regardless of whether you’re part of a giant corporation, or just a small start-up company, it’s essential to hire a CPA that will help make important and often crucial decisions involving your finances. Skimping accounting can affect an entire business sector, and cause major problems. Finances and accounting are crucial to the success and stability of the business world, and a CPA is the nucleus of any business, as they can help control a businesses’ growth much like a cell.


Using Your Tax Refund Wisely

If you’ve been patiently waiting near the mailbox for your tax refund you’re probably not alone. Some may have already received their refund check, but there are still people waiting diligently for their check! Sure, it’s great to have that extra money in your pocket, but before you go out and spend it on a shopping spree or expensive vacation, consider using this money for more important things! Here are a few helpful suggestions to get the most out of your tax refund check:

don’t hesitate to contact the Honolulu CPA firm, Michael J. Yuda CPA, LLC for any questions

  • Take household expenses into mind and figure out how far ahead you can be if you use your refund to pay them off.
  • Consider the benefits of establishing and creating an emergency fund that can cover expenses in the event of an emergency or even a pay freeze. In the wake of paycheck squeezes and lay-offs, saving your tax refund could provide a blanket in the event that your personal finances take a hit.
  • Pay down credit card or loan debt. With the extra money, you can get a great head start on paying down debt that has been building.
  • Begin planning your retirement fund. Adding money into a retirement fund is not only a sensible decision, but can have you financially stable when you reach retirement.
  • Consider taking that class you’ve always wanted! There’s no better way to spend your money wisely than investing in yourself!

There are many sensible ways to spend your tax refund. Sure it’s easy to go out and spend money on things you really want, but in the long run, using your refund wisely can help pave the way to a more financially stable and fulfilling life. If you’re curious as to how to become more financially responsible, don’t hesitate to contact the Honolulu CPA firm, Michael J. Yuda CPA, LLC for any questions you might have.


More Amazing Facts About Hawaii

CPA in Hawaii Fun Facts! 

Being a CPA in Hawaii has its advantages! Being able to enjoy the beautiful Hawaiian Islands on a daily basis is a dream come true. It seems that some people know very little about Hawaii besides what they see on TV, but Hawaii is a state that is rich with history and wonderment. Here are some more amazing facts about Hawaii:

  • Honulu is the nations 11th largest metropolitan area.
  • Hawaii is home to the world’s tallest mountain. When measured from its base at the ocean floor, Mauna Kea is the world’s tallest mountain.
  • There are 5 navigable rivers in Hawaii: Waialua, Waimea, Hanape’pe, Lumahai and Hanalei.
  • The Island of Maui is home to the world’s largest dormant volcano, Haleakala Crater.
  • The world’s most active volcano, the Kilauea volcano, is the most active volcano in the world.
  • Hawaii is the world’s leading producing of macadamia nuts.
  • From east to west, Hawaii is the widest state.
  • Honolulu is around 1,500 miles long.
  • Hawaii is the 42nd most populous state.
  • Hawaii is the only state in the entire United States that has continuously growing borders. The regular eruption of Mt. Kilauea is the contributing force behind the states growing borders.
